Great news! Your Lent devotional eBook is on its way!

Great news! Your Lent devotional eBook is on its way!

In a few minutes, it will arrive in your inbox. Before you go, there are a few important things for you to know...

  • This great 40 day devotional is made possible and free because of the generous support of people who believe in our mission. 

  • Care Net is completely donor funded. We rely on the support of people like you to make resources like this devotional free and to help parents considering abortion choose life. 

  • Since 2008, pro-life people like you saved the lives of more than 941,000 unborn children through the work of Care Net! Isn't that incredible? 

  • We don't stop at saving the life of the baby...we work to ensure that these babies and their moms and dads can experience the abundant life Christ brings.

Will you become part of this holistic response to abortion? 

Your gift of $30 will help us get this devotional into the hands and homes of more people— giving them daily reminders to pray for the babies at risk of abortion and empowering their faith. It will also enable four moms considering abortion to call us to get the help they need to choose life. 

It will also strengthen our network of pregnancy centers with new resources, and bring on more coaching staff for our national hotline for pregnancy decision coaching—reaching desperate parents with real-time support and help in the nick of time to save their babies. 

Plus, If this is your first gift to Care Net, you will save more lives due to a $120,000 matching challenge!

Please use the secure form below to make your gift. 

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This month's donation will be processed immediately.

Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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      Care Net
      44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200
      Lansdowne, Virginia 20176

      Care Net is a public charity, exempt from federal income tax as an organization, described in Section 501c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the organization are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.